The scariest night of the year has arrived! There is no better way to celebrate it than joining ESN in Templo this Monday 31st at 9.00 p.m.!

Come and enjoy an event where you can show your skills cutting out paper or decorating a pumpkin. Get to know Galician culture by tasting A Queimada and even satisfy your curiosity by learning about our Samaín… All in good company and in a terrifying atmosphere 

If you accept the Pumpkin Challenge, sign up for the Pumpkin Contest individually or in groups! Remember! You should bring everything you need: pumpkin, scissors, a knife, some markers, etc…

And as the Queimada spell says:

Forzas do ar, terra, mar e lume!
a vós fago esta chamada:
se é verdade que tendes máis poder
ca humana xente,
limpade de maldades a nosa terra
e facede que aquí e agora
os espíritos dos amigos ausentes
compartan con nós desta queimada.

31/10/2022 - 21:00
Teofilo Llorente 16
36202 Vigo Pontevedra
  • Everyone is invited.