Regarding the current situation and the measures adopted by the Spanish Government, the Galician Government and the University of Vigo, Erasmus Student Network Vigo appeals for calm and urges everyone to follow the recommendations given by the health authorities.
Above all, we highly recommend all the international students and members of the association to follow the instructions given by the National and Regional Governments and also to verify all the information given by the media in order to avoid false alarms. In the same way, we emphasize that all the measures adopted are preventive and that it is highly important that we all assume our own responsibility.
The Galician Regional Government has taken the decision to stop all educational activities and to close all the educational buildings in Galicia, among which is found the University of Vigo. Furthermore, ESN Vigo has decided to act accordingly announcing the cessation of the office hours and the suspension of all activities and events organised by our association until further notice.
Lastly, we would like to transmit a message of calm to all the international students that are currently doing an exchange program in Spain and also to all the Spanish erasmus students that are currently doing an exchange in other countries. We encourage you not to take hasty decisions regarding the continuity of your exchange experience, following up the official statements issued by the Spanish authorities and the authorities of your home or guest countries.
With reference to the possible cancelling of exchange programs or Erasmus+ programs in the affected countries, we refer to the official statement issued on March, 4th by the National Erasmus+ Agency SEPIE.
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