A new semester has started and, since we know that you are hungry for more and you want to have a great time, we want to invite you to our long-awaited International Dinner

It will be the perfect occasion to meet other Erasmus students while eating and having fun in ESN style. The main objective of this event is that everyone has the chance to try typical dishes from all around the world. Because of this, you have to cook something typical from your country of origin (you can cook by yourself or do it as a team: in pairs, with some friends…).

You must fill in this simple document in order to participate :) Don't worry, it only takes a few seconds.

Rules to cook are simple:

  • Make groups of 2 to 4 people. Preferably from the same nationality (if you prefer, you can cock by yourself)
  • Choose a name for your group and register it in the REGISTRATION FORM . In order to participate, you have to register before Thursday 6, February, before 22:00h. After this deadline you can still make groups and cook, but you won’t participate in the best dishes contest.
  • With your team, cook dishes from your country (sweet or salty) for a reasonable number of people.
  • Remember the most important thing about cooking is creativity, so it is not necessary to spend too much money (€3 or €4 per person should be enough)

This event will take place during the evening on Friday, Feb 7 from 22:00h onwards

Don’t you lose this amazing opportunity of celebrating interculturality with all your friends! See you on Friday!

PLEASE BE ON TIME or you will not get to taste the dishes! Come, you will not regret it!

07/02/2020 - 22:00
Bar Charlotte
  • Everyone is invited.